Wednesday 27 September 2017

Camera angles

Camera angles and effects they can have.

High camera angle (From Above) is used to look down on someone or something, it is usually used to show dominance or importance of the object or living thing , for example a king would look over a servant etc.

Low camera angle (From Below) would be used to show the height of something or if something is unreachable or hard to obtain, also to show a lack of respect, lack of significance or lack of value.

Medium camera angle (Eye Level/Centered) this camera angle is by far the most common and can be used for no specific scenes as it is used in any ordinary scene.

Pan - A movement which scans a scene horizontally. Used to show moving objects or people in Point of view perspectives.

Tracking(Dolly) - A moving shot tracking an object or person. Gives the movement effect.

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.