Wednesday 27 September 2017

Audience Research

Audience research


1. How many films do you watch a month? 0-2, 3-6, 7-10, 11 or more
2. What genre do you prefer? Please specify.
3. Do movie trailers influence the films you watch?
4. What makes a good movie trailer?
5. In a movie trailer, do you prefer fast or slow paced tension?
6. Do you enjoy horror films?
7. What setting do you feel is best? Abandoned building/area, old house, dark woods
8. Do you like realistic horrors or not?

This questionnaire would be used to give us a better understanding of what sort of audiences would watch our film trailer and enjoy it, giving a wide span of variety.

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.