Friday 5 January 2018

Deconstruction of Horror Film Poster 2.

The Women In Black 2 Deconstruction.

Image result for the women in black 2 poster
The movie poster contains standard poster features such as a picture, credit block, release date and the producer/director's name.
The main colours are red, white, black and brown. These colours are very dull and boring as-well as scary. The colours present and reflect the film genre, as they're very bold and dark which could connote the film to being a horror.
The genre's conventions in this poster are the dark and ''eerie' colours that clearly show this movie to be horror. Also the colours and themes of red, black and mostly white play an impact on this. The colour red is usually associated with blood, the colour black can symbolize death or pain, and ghosts typically are known and associated with the colour white. The teddy that the young boy is holding could also be another typical convention of horror films/paranormal effects, as items like this could be seen as possessed or artifacts of hell.
The poster reveals the release date, emphasising and building hype around that period of time creating tension and giving the target audience a burst of adrenaline as they're in excitement to watch the film after release, as-well as creating tension through small phrases such as ''she never forgives'', ''she never forgets'' and ''she never left''.

The symbols used are the figure/shadow that is standing tall behind the young boy. The figure stands out on the poster because it is presented as a bright/bold figure standing out as the key piece of information on this poster. Another key piece of information the poster offers is the little boy's teddy, the teddy seems to be destroyed or ruined, which could connote numbers of things giving slightly more information about the entire story. Lasty the by who is represented as a small child, although the way the poster has been designed could give the impression that he is being haunted by the demon or that he represents some form of evil himself.
The targeted audience are adults/teenagers ages 15+, from the cover of this poster I can identify that the poster is aimed towards this age group or aimed somewhat toward that age group, as well as focused more towards males as horror is more so viewed by the male gender however females do often view horror films as-well.

1 comment:

Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.