Wednesday 27 September 2017

Shot Types.

Shot Types.
Establishing shot - This short is commonly used at the beginning of a scene or the opening of a film, it has a wide/high view showing everything, they're usually taken from a high angle looking down upon the city or avenue.
Image result for establishing shot
Long shot - A shot taken from afar showing usually a persons full body plus a minority of background, a shot used to show location/environment alongside the actor.
Image result for long shot example
Mid Shot - This shot is most commonly used showing a character from the waist upwards, it is used to highlight character identities, This is the most common shot and is often used just to pass passages of time showing brief amounts of information.
Image result for mid shotClose up - A close up shot is used to experience a character's facial expressions and emotion, it is also used to highlight levels of importance when telling a story.

Image result for close up shot
Extreme Close-up - An extreme close up, shows one large image of usually something quite small, for example an eye, it is used to show emotion and create tension over a period of time.Image result for extreme close up

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.