Saturday 4 November 2017

Possible Locations

Possible Locations For Set To Trailer:

Knighton Gorge Manor

Related imageReasons For-

  • Follows all key conventions of a horror film
  • Convent int to travel to
  • Correct lighting
  • Is linked with many island ghosts stories

Reasons Against-

  • Hard to get rights to film/Privately owned
  • Surroundings don't fit the plan
  • Not a suitable location

Appuldurcombe House

Image result for Appuldurcombe House

Reasons For-

  • Proven to be haunted
  • Easy to get to
  • Free
  • Building is old/creepy giving a good horror vibe

Reason Against-

  • Hard to get location as we want it
  • A possibility of people visiting as well
  • To popular of a destination

Carisbrooke castle

Reasons For-

  • Ideal Location
  • Easily acessable
  • Free access
  • Stories linked to the castle

Image result for carisbrooke castle darkReasons Against-

  • Castle is linked much with the horror genre
  • Hard location to film at (needs creativity)
  • Would be busy in the day

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.