Tuesday 28 November 2017

Filming at Appuldurcombe

After a long wait, we managed to received clarification and had the opportunity to visit the location of our choice. Bearing mind nor me or my partner had ever visited Appuldurcombe, so the experience was even greater than we could imagine, the manor was so much bigger than anticipated. If we were to restart our process from scratch I would like to have pre planned a small visit before hand to see what environment we're working with, giving potential ideas before even starting.

However upon arriving and receiving the keys to the manor, we turned the camera on for a long length of time and went over multiple shots, and then having the thought process to go back, watch and review the best take, then further cut the shot and add that to our film trailer. This was the easier option as this prevented issues with stopping and starting the camera and keeping everything rolling.

As we arrived we took multiple shots of arriving, with the car registration plate, symbolising the arrival of the explorers. After receiving the keys to the manor we were amazed with the building and genuinely how creepy and spooky the place looked, it was perfect, we then grouped up and thought of ideas together filming multiple shots but inevitably picking a few to work from.

Overall the experience was fun, and personally I really enjoyed it. We emailed the manager of the manor saying thank you for access to the premises and if he wishes to see the work we've created.

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.