Monday 30 October 2017

Editing Details.

Editing Details -

  • Primarily about the narrative, editing to convey the narrative.
  • Connection between editing and representation needs to be made.
  • Use different angles depending on size/status of characters.
  • Consider all elements of mise  en scene eg props.
  • Match on action and character on representation.
  • Even small edited details can play a huge impact in the narration and understanding of the character.
  • How are different characters being specified/represented through editing.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • Eye-line match - incite into a character's private thoughts, particularly a single character.
  • Final aspect of narrative, giving understanding of story or leaving a message/cliffhanger.
  • Intercutting.
  • Jump cuts - convey chaos and disorder.
  • Ellipsis - rapid pace.
  • Long taker - casual/calm.
  • Shot reverse shot.

Thursday 26 October 2017


Editing is essential when in relation to the genre of horror as most of the tension that's being built up is most likely due to the way in which the product has been edited. Many jump cuts occur as well as lots of short snip it clips, creating fast paced action and quick build up plots.

One of the most disregarded parts of editing is that the it needs to help tell the story/a narrative allowing smooth transition, although this isn't as important when creating a trailer because this could reveal the story, being seen as a spoiler.

Shot duration is key, this is because then trailer will have lots of short shots and jump cuts, giving lots of action and a fast build up creating urgency excitement and tension. However longer shots are usually used to create emotion or to slow the pace down, as a large build up to action. Usually used before a sequence of short shots.

Transitions are used to display and follow each shot the usual transitions related to films are

  • Fade in/ Fade out
  • Dissolves
  • Wipe
  • Central Wipe
  • Flip

These can all be used to display different time frames or locations easily.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Deconstruction Of A Horror Film Trailer. (2)

Film Trailer:

Paranormal activity 3

Image result for paranormal activity 3

I have chosen to deconstruction the Paranormal activity 3 trailer for mainly two reasons, the first is because the film is set out similarly for how we want our film trailer to be with the sense of para normality. Secondly because my partner deconstruction Paranormal activity 2 so i figured we could take pointers and see the similarities and differences between the two films in addition to this see if we can identify any methods that we could use in our production.

Initially the trailer begins with calm music and a black screen, instantly trying to create a build up of adrenaline and tension, following this begins screen flickering trying to recreate the image of connecting to something or picking up a television/camera signal, this would be a use of post production and editing put in place.

The film then tried to create a day to day normal life atmosphere with handheld camera used showing a persons point of view enjoying life. This gives the audience an incite of how they will be viewing the movie or what technique is being used of film the movie.

Friday 6 October 2017

Deconstruction Of A Horror Film Trailer. (1)

Film Trailer:

The Conjuring Film Trailer

Image result for the conjuring trailer. !

The first film trailer I have decided to deconstruct is ''The Conjuring'' my reasoning is because the genre of the film is horror in particular its horror type consists of possession and para normality, and para normality is the type of horror that we wish to accomplish during our created film trailer. 

The introduction to the trailer consists of background footage that has happened in the past giving a tense approach and a story. The camera is jumping between shots very quickly creating tension and impact giving the audience a story to grip on. The camera is smartly following the same two characters giving a mysterious approach to whats happening elsewhere at the scene as well as who the other people could be, and what role they may play.

Between each scene a small quote tells us a story for example ''There is one so disturbing, they've kept it locked away''. This quote suggests some sort of mystery and questions the audience, for example the audience may be thinking what is ''locked away'', or who is the ''one''. Furthermore this technique causes anxiety to the audience.

Short jump shots are used to introduce the family piece by piece. Allowing the audience to build there generalize view/opinion to each individual character, during this time, the non diagetic music is toning and soothing used to build up tension for a later loud erupting sound, giving a more exciting edge to the action piece of the trailer, dropping key information to the story as an outcome but also building masses amounts of audience adrenaline rush and questions.

The lighting of each individual shot differs, for example when the mood is happy and not dwelling on bad things the scenes are very bright and there are lots of yellow and orange colours, However when he film begins to dim down and tension is building giving scary approaches, lots of dark colors like dark blue, black and browns occur causing a cold feeling connoting that something bad could be the outcome.

In conclusion, I feel like The Conjuring's official trailer is very well put together, as the trailer offers  a narrative story, a good amount of character engagement and tension, which will all build on reasons why audiences would be itching to watch the film after is released to cinemas. The trailer doesn't reveal too much of the story but gives us enough information to keep them glued and give enjoyment.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Ancillary Task 1 Film Poster Deconstruction 2.

Sinister deconstruction.

Image result for sinister poster
I have chosen to analyse the horror movie poster for ''sinister'' because it would have the same target audiences as our film trailer also the same sub-genre, this being paranormal activity.
In the poster you are instantly drawn to the little girl smearing a picture of what looks like a clown on the wall, she is smearing the clown with blood... The reason for using a child in this poster ts it draw sympathy to her as she is most likely vulnerable. The blood/clown creation could give me the impression that the clown is a key character during the film with a high chance of being the antagonist.
The tag-line underneath the title ''once you see him, nothing can save you'' this connotes that danger of some sort will occur, or that pain is coming and even death.This gives emphasis to the film being a horror movie as well as a really successful method to build lots of tension. At the top of the poster it identifies that the producer is the person who produced both ''paranormal activity'' and ''insidious'' which could impact fans from these films as they're big hits from the film genre. People will want to compare both films between one another.
The cracks in the background with the wall imply that something made those happen and forcefully meant to damage the wall suggesting violence. The little girl is dragging the blood across the wall with her hand which could make the audience possibly question why or what she is doing and for what purpose as she looks like an innocent girl that would not' by choice have done this, perhaps she is under some kind of dark force that's making her do this.

Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.