Friday 6 October 2017

Deconstruction Of A Horror Film Trailer. (1)

Film Trailer:

The Conjuring Film Trailer

Image result for the conjuring trailer. !

The first film trailer I have decided to deconstruct is ''The Conjuring'' my reasoning is because the genre of the film is horror in particular its horror type consists of possession and para normality, and para normality is the type of horror that we wish to accomplish during our created film trailer. 

The introduction to the trailer consists of background footage that has happened in the past giving a tense approach and a story. The camera is jumping between shots very quickly creating tension and impact giving the audience a story to grip on. The camera is smartly following the same two characters giving a mysterious approach to whats happening elsewhere at the scene as well as who the other people could be, and what role they may play.

Between each scene a small quote tells us a story for example ''There is one so disturbing, they've kept it locked away''. This quote suggests some sort of mystery and questions the audience, for example the audience may be thinking what is ''locked away'', or who is the ''one''. Furthermore this technique causes anxiety to the audience.

Short jump shots are used to introduce the family piece by piece. Allowing the audience to build there generalize view/opinion to each individual character, during this time, the non diagetic music is toning and soothing used to build up tension for a later loud erupting sound, giving a more exciting edge to the action piece of the trailer, dropping key information to the story as an outcome but also building masses amounts of audience adrenaline rush and questions.

The lighting of each individual shot differs, for example when the mood is happy and not dwelling on bad things the scenes are very bright and there are lots of yellow and orange colours, However when he film begins to dim down and tension is building giving scary approaches, lots of dark colors like dark blue, black and browns occur causing a cold feeling connoting that something bad could be the outcome.

In conclusion, I feel like The Conjuring's official trailer is very well put together, as the trailer offers  a narrative story, a good amount of character engagement and tension, which will all build on reasons why audiences would be itching to watch the film after is released to cinemas. The trailer doesn't reveal too much of the story but gives us enough information to keep them glued and give enjoyment.

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.