Thursday 26 October 2017


Editing is essential when in relation to the genre of horror as most of the tension that's being built up is most likely due to the way in which the product has been edited. Many jump cuts occur as well as lots of short snip it clips, creating fast paced action and quick build up plots.

One of the most disregarded parts of editing is that the it needs to help tell the story/a narrative allowing smooth transition, although this isn't as important when creating a trailer because this could reveal the story, being seen as a spoiler.

Shot duration is key, this is because then trailer will have lots of short shots and jump cuts, giving lots of action and a fast build up creating urgency excitement and tension. However longer shots are usually used to create emotion or to slow the pace down, as a large build up to action. Usually used before a sequence of short shots.

Transitions are used to display and follow each shot the usual transitions related to films are

  • Fade in/ Fade out
  • Dissolves
  • Wipe
  • Central Wipe
  • Flip

These can all be used to display different time frames or locations easily.

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.