Wednesday 1 November 2017


There are 4 key conventions to main Genre, however there are many sub-genres and hundreds of hybrid genres.

The largest impacts of genre are:

  • The character and story
  • Location
  • Sound
  • Technicalities

Sub genre is more commonly used to create a specific approach to a genre. 
Examples of this could be
  • Fantasy
  • Paranormal
  • Romance
  • Super Heros

Lastly hybrid genres aim to be even more specific but usually implicate that two genres are added together, for example
  • Romance/comedy hybrid
  • Horror/comedy hybrid
  • Thriller/Horror
  • Action/Fantasy
Over 90% of new films in the modern era consist of 2+ hybrid genres.

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Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.