Thursday 1 February 2018

Ideas For Evaluation Made In A Group.

  • Vlogging the response
  • Using a two-camera set-up in the filming of the response
  • Adding in examples of where conventions have been conformed or subverted to from the final product of the short film
  • Use examples from real media products in contrast to how you have used the same techniques
  • Podcast- question and answer from social media
  • Google slides presentation
  • Short film plot- example Sam Lapham’s kidnap situation for the evaluation response
  • Voice over of clips and images from the short film and ancillary tasks

Question 1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of real media products?
  • Vlog- video response
  • Two camera set-up
  • Take breaks between filming- edit with transitions
  • Add background music
  • Act confident in front of the camera
  • Answer the question directly
Question 2 -How effective is combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • Add in clips and images to the video to compare them
  • Visual illustrations and a voice over- showing examples
  • Show continuation and consistency
  • Visual bibliography
Question 3-What have learned from your audience feedback?
  • Radio show
  • Focus group
  • Q + A
  • Script it
  • Mention ancillary tasks.
Question 4-How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and
evaluation stages?

  • Vlogs with various transitions
  • Pictures of the different forms of media technologies used
  • Show progression
  • Prezzie, featuring construction, Research, Planning.

Question 2

I decided to complete this question with my friend who I worked on my trailer with, therefore using the same video.